Welcome to PB's Website!
This is the Neocities homeland of PB123Windows. That's all.

Who the hell is this?
I'm PB123Windows, just a random person who
lives in Peru and basically does stupid shit.

I originally created a Neocities website back in December 2020, but
unfortunately that site got taken down and I had to make a new one.
However, there are some Wayback Machine archives.
You can visit them if you want. The old Neocities website alias
was "pb123website". Also keep in mind that I may not
update this often because I'm lazy.

Social Platforms
YouTube: @PB123Windows
Discord: pb123windows
Steam:   pb123windows

Other Links (more coming soon!)
Buttons? Errors? (old) Secrets?

(C) I do not own Neocities. Copyright PB123Windows 2020-2024